Sunday, December 25, 2011

Olivia wins the raffle

Look at the raffle prize!!

Our Aussie tablemates show us how to properly peel Moreton Bay Bugs

Luke wanted to "bamble" ... he still thinks it's worth losing dollar if you get to "push the button" 

Olivia wasn't impressed by the loud 80's music in the bar
This is one of the most exciting things happened on this trip!  We were at this restaurant called The Beach Club.  They were doing this thing where you give money and if you get 3 tickets, then you give 5 dollars.  If they pick the ticket that you got, then you get a huge platter of seafood.  If you know me you would know how much I wanted that platter.  So we got 3 tickets and hoped that they would pick one of those.  The numbers that we got were 75, 76, and 77.  Every once and a while I would check with the person that was passing out the tickets.  Finally they started picking out the tickets for all of these categories.  When we were waiting, the guy next to us gave us his ticket to us as long as I keep checking with the lady that was passing out the tickets.  I made a deal that I would keep checking with her.  The number they gave us was 71.  A couple minutes later, they started to call all of the categories that we did not want.  Finally they said “the winner of the seafood platter is…..”  Luke and I ran up to see up so we could hear better.  “BLUE”  “That’s us” said Luke.  “ They have to say the number that we have so we can win the platter”  I said.  The announcer said “number……..71!”  That was our number!  Luke and I ran up to the announcer and showed him the ticket and he said that he would come with the platter.  We decided to share it with the table that actually won it all.  I was in heaven!  The platter had Moreton Bay Bugs  (which are Australian and taste like lobster but looks like a crab} prawns, (which is shrimp) oysters, mussels, and crab.  That all would have been at least 100 dollars.  That was one of the most luckiest times I have ever experiences in my life!       - Olivia

1 comment:

  1. Merry christmas from ct. Love the surfin santa,, seafood platter,seeing olivia's head in a crocodile.... What a fantastic trip. We have been having some fun with the new wii fit. Doug is a good ski jumper!! Santa came and we have been eating non-stop! Made a quick trip to philly before christmas to see pam's dad. We were on the road both ways at 6am. Ellie is still catching up on sleep. Look forward to your return. Have fun in the final days.
