Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Olivia & Luke hang ten

I would like to tell a story to you.  The story is about when I went surfing in Australia.  We were with Daniel and Anita and we were going to a great beach on a glorious day when the sun was out.  Daniel brought his surfboard so Luke and I could have a go on it.  The waves were going to be 4 feet tall and that answer was correct!  It was a perfect day for surfing!  When I got a go on the surfboard, I was shaking with excitement!  Before you get into the water, you have to put a velcro strap on your ankle so your board does not hit anybody and so your board does not go to far out and you lose it.  When I got in the water, Daniel said to hop on the surfboard so I would not have trouble getting over the waves.  Finally we got out far enough that the waves would be good.  He told me when he said go, I would stand up.  When he said go, I was ready to rock and roll.   When your surfboard is moving, you have to stand up right away or then you will fall off.  I stood up on the wave and on my first try and I did it!  It was crazy that I did it on my first time!  My family was screaming "Olivia"!!!!!!!!
It was a great day when I got to surf in Australia!

 - Olivia


  1. Hang ten dudette. The waves look knarly. Glad the weather is nicer. Seems like an amazing trip. Love hearing the updates. It got cold in Guilford, they say maybe a little snow tonight. The Brownies came, so Ellie is eating lot's of Christmas cookies. Still running around finalizing presents, etc. We miss you! Tell us more! (Ellie and Pam)

  2. Guess who? It's Sydney and madden speaking! I love your blog! I can't believe you serf! I hope your having a good time in SYDNEY Alstraliea! I can't wait to see you again! From Sydney!
    Ps hope you have a good christmas!

  3. I love how she's already talking like an Aussie - "have a go on it"...
